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St. Francis

Board of Education


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Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting – December 10, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Cale Rieger in the administration office on the above date at 7:00 a.m. with everyone present except Shawna Blanka.

Superintendent Penka made one addition to the agenda: add under New Business 6)a)3 resignations. Troy Hilt made a motion to approve the agenda with the one addition; the motion was seconded by Chris Hingst and carried.

Items on the Consent Calendar were next considered. Following review of these items, Chris Hingst moved, Dustin Andrist seconded, and it carried to approve the consent calendar,
including the following items:

a) The minutes of the regular Board meeting on November 12,

b) A list of bills being paid on direct deposit slips numbering 1119001 – 1119074 and on checks numbering 11705-11719 on BANKWEST, and checks numbering 14821-14858 on First National Bank for a total of $390,994.52.

c) The Cash Summary Report (including one transfers:
$883.94 from Supplemental General Fund to the CTE Fund)¸ the Grade School Activity Fund Report, and the High School Activity Fund Report – all as of November 30, 2020.

d) No Gift Offers.

No Audiences.

There were no Committee Reports.

Under Old Business, Superintendent Mark Penka, updated the Board on the KSHSAA Covid ruling and indicated that Administration will be very active in carrying out their rules and

Under New Business, there were four contract amendments returned for signature.

Superintendent Penka recommended the following positions effective immediately according to the pay scale: Susan Dinkel as head JH boys’ basketball coach; Devin Dinkel as assistant JH
boys’ basketball coach; and Laura Brunk as assistant JH girls’ basketball coach. Chris Hingst made a motion to approve the contract amendments; seconded by Troy Hilt and carried.

Next, under New Business, Carla Schiltz has submitted her letter of resignation effective at the end of the school year. Mrs. Schiltz has been with USD 297 for 29 years. Seth Swihart has also
submitted his letter of resignation effective at the end of the school year. Mr. Swihart has been with USD 297 for nine years. Danielle McAtee made a motion to accept the resignations;
seconded by Troy Hilt and carried.

Next, Board President, Cale Rieger requested a 10 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. Troy Hilt made the following motion: Mr. President, I move that the board
recess into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel in order to protect their privacy pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA and that the open meeting shall
resume at 7:31 a.m. The motion was seconded by J.W. Milliken and carried. Superintendent Penka, Principal Morrow, Principal Raile, and Clerk Neitzel left the meeting.

Upon resuming the regular meeting, Troy Hilt made the following motion: I hereby move to renew Superintendent Penka’s contract for two years. The motion was seconded by Chris
Hingst and carried.

Superintendent Penka reported that there are a number of projects being looked at for the Grade School and High School, we will be receiving estimates on these project and hope to be
able to complete many of them this summer.

The next scheduled Board meeting will be held on Thursday, January 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.

At 7:44 a.m., J.W. Milliken moved that the meeting adjourn; the motion was seconded by Danielle McAtee and carried.