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St. Francis

Board of Education


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Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting –March 12, 2020


The meeting was called to order by Board Vice-President Troy Hilt in the administration office on the above date at 7:00 p.m. with everyone present except Cale Rieger.

Superintendent Penka requested one change to the agenda: add 6) new Business e) executive session to discuss non-elected personnel.  Chris Hingst made a motion to approve the agenda with the one change; the motion was seconded by Danielle McAtee and carried.

The Board reviewed and discussed the items on the consent calendar.  A motion was then made by Dustin Andrist, seconded by Shawna Blanka, to approve the consent calendar, including the following items:  a) The minutes of the regular Board meeting on February 13, 2020. b) A list of bills being paid on direct deposit slips numbering 0219001 – 0219080 and on checks numbering 11543-11555 on BANKWEST, and checks numbering 14264-14339 on FNB Bank for a total of $516,364.23.  c) The Cash Summary Report (including two transfers: $8,665.08 from Supplemental General Fund to the Career & Tech Education Fund, and $3,880.57 from the General Fund to the At-Risk Fund)¸ the Grade School Activity Fund Report, and the High School Activity Fund Report – all as of February 29, 2020.    

No Audiences.

Mr. Morrow and Mrs. Pottorff will have the necessary scholarship information ready for the scholarship committee sometime later this month.  We will contact the scholarship committee members with a meeting day and time.

At this time under Old Business, Superintendent Penka recommended that we extend contracts for all current USD 297 certified teachers who have not resigned for the 2020-2021 school year.  After discussion, J.W. Millken made a motion to wait until the April meeting to make any recommendations; the motion was seconded by Dustin Andrist and carried.

The Board was reminded that by law (K.S.A. 72-5411, as amended), a school board must notify a teacher in writing on or before the third Friday in May (May 15th this year) if said teacher’s contract will not be renewed; and a teacher must notify the school board in writing on or before 14 days after the third Friday in May (May 29th this year) if (s)he is resigning from their teaching contract.

Contract offers and proposed reassignments (if any) for the 2020-2021 school year can be acted-on at the regular meeting on April 9, 2020, or at the May 14, 2020, meeting if necessary.

Next under Old Business, Superintendent Penka reported that currently, after Kindergarten pre-enrollment, we have 25-27 students enrolled.  Danielle McAtee made a motion that we hire a full-time aide for the Kindergarten classroom, motion was seconded by Chris Hingst and carried.

Under New Business, Superintendent Penka discussed a few items from the legislature and school finance.  Superintendent Penka reported on a meeting held with Superintendents and Dr. Randy Watson of KSDE regarding the Corona Virus.  We will be following any recommendations that KSDE or KDHE may make. There will be an announcement going out to faculty, staff, and students on REMIND and on the School’s website:

“Dear Patrons,

 USD 297 is paying very close attention to the developments regarding the Corona Virus            (COVID 19) and its spread in the United States. We are especially attentive to the latest advice and direction given by the Kansas Department of Education, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and the Cheyenne County Health Department.  The St. Francis Schools stand ready to take any action advised by these entities to protect the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.”

In new business under personnel items, Superintendent Penka reported that we have received a resignation letter from Matt Bandel, resigning from his duties as the High School Girls’ Assistant Basketball coach.  Mr. Bandel has been with the district for seven years. We have also received a resignation from Gary Meyer, resigning from his duties as Grade School custodian. Dustin Andrist made a motion to accept these two resignations; the motion was seconded by Christ Hingst and carried.

Next, Superintendent Penka discussed with the Board the need to purchase a new or used Class A route bus for the district.  J.W. Milliken made a motion to put our bus specifications out for bid to used bus companies, and directing us to use the Kansas Bus Purchasing System from KSDE to get prices on new buses meeting our specifications.  Shawna Blanka seconded the motion and it carried.

Next, Superintendent Penka presented a list of three buses that have been sitting for 2-5 years.  Chris Hingst made a motion to open these up to bids to sell. The motion was seconded by Danielle McAtee and carried.

At this point in the meeting, Superintendent Penka requested a 10 minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel issues.  Chris Hingst made the following motion: Mr. President, I move that the board recess into executive session to discuss the performance of individual staff members in order to protect their privacy pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA and that the open meeting shall resume at 8:56 P.M. in the board room.  Regular session resumed at 8:56 P.M. with no decisions being made.

Under Miscellaneous, Superintendent Penka reported that the school is applying for a 21st Century Learning Grant to finance the KRR Program for the 2020-2021 school year.

School-Improvement Process:  Superintendent presented an overview of the KESA process and a few other miscellaneous items.

Review of Board Policy:  Superintendent Penka reported that the Short- and Long-Term Facility Improvement Plan will be covered in August.  Administration and maintenance will make recommendations to the board and then the board will tour the facilities to get a better understanding of the condition of the facilities and what direction we want to move in.

The next scheduled Board meeting will be held on April 9, 2020, at 7:00 a.m.  At 9:25 p.m., Chris Hingst moved that the meeting adjourn; the motion was seconded by J. W. Milliken and carried.