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Student Showcase


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Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge 2025

All YEC participants getting briefed prior to event start.

8th grader Henzley Matthies and 7th grader Hayden Hingst getting ready before their elevator pitch.

During the 2024-2025 academic year, E-Communities (and other Kansas communities) have the opportunity to host local-level entrepreneurship competitions and submit their event to be part of the “Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge Series”. Local entrepreneurship competitions must meet certain guidelines in order to qualify as part of the Series. The YEC series gives Kansas students hands-on experience thinking entrepreneurial. To learn more, watch this short video about YEC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUjsSbMt75k

At this years YEC hosted by SFCHS we had great success having many of our own be recognized. 

Henzley Matthies and Hayden Hignst - $50 "Emerging Business"

Cristian Silvia - $100 "Perfect Pitch"

Kira Sichler - $100 "Farm to Table Excellence"

Kike Yanez - $150 "Innovating Marketing"

Cristian Slivia - $500 "2nd Place Overall"

These students put in countless hours into preparation and some of them will get a chance to compete at State as well. 


9th grader Adalyn Graham getting ready right before her elevator pitch.

10th grader Kira Sichler presenting her business during the trade show to judges.

12th grader Cris Silvia presenting his business idea to judges during the trade show.

Henzley and Hayden - $50 Emerging Business Cris - $100 Perfect Pitch Kira - $100 Farm to Table Excellence Kike - $150 Innovating Marketing

Cris Silva taking 2nd place overall earning $500.

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